Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Through the Glass

Today's topic is a repost from April 30th, 2013

Has anyone seen the new invention GOOGLE GLASS? It is the first step in the evolution of an invention I have envisioned in our future within my Science Fiction Trilogy The Morian Trilogy. I call this device an INPUT Individual Personal Uplink Transmitter. It’s a small device implanted inside the human skull behind the left eyeball upon birth. This apparatus emits a signal that communicates with the brain waves of the user allowing utilization to a planetary database, which, in this future time has developed its own persona. Our planet’s database, known as MOTHER EARTH, has a nurturing and tranquil personality.

In this distant future (300 years hence) we have established a colony on Mars within a large sprawling metropolis known as NEW SARDONIA. On the Red Planet the database is known as BROTHER MARS. Being developed by the original tenants of the colony, miners, it’s personality is very brash and gritty (curses like a sailor). The unique result is that these databases become characters on their own, being intrical to the story.

The INPUT, being in sync with the possessor’s brain frequency, projects a screen before the user’s eyes providing an interface to control information type and volume accessed from the database. Because the device is tuned in to a unique frequency the screen’s images are only visible to the user. The result being, everything humanity does, communicating with one another, reading a book, accessing the news, is all done through this device. No TV, no phones not a movie theater to be found.

Sounds kind of cool, right? Hold the phone (if there were any in the future). If this great invention transmits, can it not also receive? The question of privacy immediately comes into question. Who is to say that the controlling element cannot access information from the client using the same system in reverse? This is the dilemma encountered by the future governmental entity (known as The United States of North America).  Their solution is a security filter built into the INPUT programming…working like a firewall of sorts. Anyone who has been hacked (recently I had a run in with the FBI virus) knows that these security devices do not always work.

What is not known within this paradigm is that the INPUT is not a human invention at all, but was developed by aliens that have existed on this planet for tens of thousands of years. These off-worlders invented the apparatus for the sole purpose of using it to control humanity for their own diabolical needs steering our social progression for centuries.

Am I insinuating that GOOGLE GLASS is developed by aliens? Of course not. But, does not anyone else see the potential future problems this product may hold in its eventual evolution? Is the GOOGLE GLASS user (unknowing to us) taking pictures and spying on us for some malevolent purpose? Or, maybe I know something you don’t and these are the aliens of my Science Fiction Series and this is just the beginning of their attempt to take our world from us.

What do you think?


Monday, April 29, 2013

Moral Erosion of America

Considering recent events within the United States there is no doubt that there is a direct correlation between the increase in violence and the gradual decline of morals, ethics and parenting within this country. We are cultivating a kind of mental illness and breeding a dangerous apathy and entitlement within the youth of our nation.

I remember growing up with Television sitcoms like Leave it to Beaver, I Love Lucy and the Andy Griffith Show. These shows always aired in the afternoons after we got home from school and always dealt with social problems and life's issues in a mature and ethically responsible manner. Every episode seemed to include moralistic lessons to be learned making them helpful in instilling values in my generation. You see, there were few channels to select from, so we had very little choice in what we viewed. Believe it or not there were video games back in those days, but they had to do mostly with pulverizing asteroids or batting a square ball back and forth in very low pixel resolution.

Conversely, there is a huge disconnect in our society today with most parents leaving our children in the company of television and violent video games instead of being actively involved in their lives. As a result our kids are being desensitized to violence and are becoming prone to aggressive behavior. And we, as a society, have stopped taking responsibility for the consequences blaming it on everything and everyone but the liable parties. Ourselves.

Those early sitcoms have been replaced with shows like The Simpsons, South Park and Family Guy. Most are now available in the afternoons, but for a completely different reason. In the environment of divorced parents or because of today’s economy most mothers and fathers both have to work leaving our kids home alone in those few hours after school. We called them latch key kids in my day. These shows are conveniently placed in this time slot to avoid parental complaints to the watch dog groups about their content. Not only that but, with iPads, iPhones and computers kids have access to material with viewing choices and times always possible. I recall hearing my kids giggling away, on endless occasions, while viewing clips of Family Guy and The Simpsons on their smart phone from the back seat riding along in the car.  
I could write a whole blog on the issues each of these shows contribute to moral decay, but I will generalize. These shows entice children in with their animation then expose them to adult situations and concepts with nary a consequence. They deal with sex, drug use and violence, things that younger generations of Americans were sheltered from within our entertainment. On mainstream television couples weren’t even pictured sleeping in the same bed until the mid-seventies. And it even took longer for the first toilet to be shown in primetime.

Mentioning the violence in video games today would be pointless for we all have experienced their sadistic evolution. Since the invention of the FirstPerson Shooter Engine, we have gone to the lengths of putting the weapons into the hands of our kids. A study done by the NY Times concluded that 80% of violent killings within the US were perpetrated by adolescents addicted to these kind of video games, desensitizing them to the violent nature and consequences of wartime battle sequences. Games like Call of Duty, Killzone 3 and Assassins Creed all top video games sales consistently.

What are we teaching our children? Where is our country headed? What do you folks think?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Repost: Haunted Places

This weekend is a busy one, so I have no time to post anything new. But, I still would like to stimulate discussion so I am reposting an earlier entry hoping to create some interaction...

Every town has one. They are rooted in culture and loosely tied to faint wisps of mysterious history. Over years of telling and retelling they become more extraordinary and outlandish, but deep down they romantically tantalize our belief that there is more to this life than just this physical plane we exist within.

They are haunted places.

These locations stir fear within one's soul and defy reality by playing tricks on the rational mind. I grew up in South Carolina, which has more than its fair share of ghostly places and haunting tales. What are some of the scariest tales you have heard about your hometown or state?

Friday, April 26, 2013

Wagon Train to the Stars

I am a loyal Trekie, having my young impressionable adolescent mind nourished on the enchanting science fiction series throughout my childhood. The intelligent story lines wove a romantic account of a perceived evolution of humanity that had our species adventuring among the stars encountering aliens with social issues mirroring our own. It was full of amiable characters who were heroic and were impeccably moralistic representatives of the human race, except when under the influence of some alien evil agenda. It made a futuristic life venturing among the stars easy to comprehend and, when all was said and done, utter fun. It was Gene Roddenberry’s concept of "wagon train to the stars." Check out my Buddy James Kirk's article: Ten Best Star Trek Episodes of the original series.

When I went to the theater to see the 2009 manifestation of the series I was extremely apprehensive. I had experienced perversions of the pure individuality of the TrekCept within many of the later motion pictures being disappointed that producers had strayed from the original formula that had worked so well. As these fresh frames played out on the silver screen before me I was enamored with director J.J. Abrahams’ new vision of the Star Trek concept as we are reacquainted with the series’ delightful characters long before they come together on the bridge of the USS Enterprise. Abrahams took painstaking precaution to remain true to the sanctimony of the original series. 

Not only did this new version protect the theology of Star Trek, but it reinvented and modernized it for a new generation who have never had the privilege of experiencing the original TV series. With genius foresight Abrahams crafted a story line creating an alternate timeline giving future efforts freedom to expand into fresh stories without having to face consequences form the Star Trek purists (often zealots at times). The brash James T. Kirk tries to live up to his father's legacy with Mr. Spock keeping him in check as a vengeful, time-traveling Romulan creates black holes to destroy the Federation one planet at a time.

 That being said, this version remained true to the many concepts that made Star Trek so endearing for those of us who grew up on the show. Who can forget anyone who wore a red shirt was doomed on an away mission? I love how Wikipedia explains the concept:A "redshirt" is a stock character in fiction who dies soon after being introduced. The term originates with fans of the Star Trek television series (1966–69), from the red shirts worn by Starfleet security personnel who frequently die during episodes.[1] Redshirt deaths are often used to dramatize the potential peril that the main characters face.” In the 2009 adaptation the homage is paid early on in the first away mission as a skydiving red uniformed officer is burned up in a Romulan plasma drill. Other concepts include Chekoff's troubles pronouncing "W's", Kirk's affinity for having relations with alien women (especially those of the green hue) and Scotty's mantra of, "I'm giving it all's she got Cap'n." These all are included in loving homage within this picture.

Also, the 2009 film preserves the relationships between the characters, which I found the most enjoyable in the movie. When I heard Bones' rapport with Spock, calling him a "Green Blooded Goblin," I spit the soft drink from my mouth. The only deviation was the Vulcan Spock's relationship with Ohura.

My hopes are that this 2013 adaptation of Star Trek due for release next month stays as true to the original show's theology as the 2009 version did.



Thursday, April 25, 2013

Attn: Caffiene Crazed Citizens!

Late last year, to the dismay of many Lexingtonians,  Jamestown CoffeeCo closed its doors in our traffic choked municipality. The oasis from bumper to bumper turmoil dried up leaving many caffeinated crazed customers jonesing for the eye-opening stimulant. You can still get your fix up the road a piece at that national chain know as… well, can’t use their name, but if anyone remembers Battlestar Galactica, you can deduce the brand. If you are a Jamestownite you will find the antiseptic persona of that cookie cutter franchise insensitive compared to the amiable personality of our hometown coffee shop. Unlike that other store, Jamestown Coffee Co is owned by South Carolina’s own James Kirk (not to be confused with the Starfleet Captain).

But, fear not citizens, the beanery has risen like a phoenix from the spent coffee grounds in a new and exciting location just down the road from our old township. Teaming up with a Midlands Staple, Cromer’s Peanuts, Jamestown has provided its own aromatic emanations to mingle with the heavenly scent of popcorn and candy within the walls at 1700 Huger St. in downtown Columbia, SC. So, come on down and rediscover the little coffee shop with tons of personality and say “hello” to James Kirk and Brandon Wilks. Be sure to tell them that author David Lee Jones sent ya.




Bartender Guy (Ep3)

This morning's blog is something fun. This is episode three of a series I call the Bartender Guy, my attempt at writing satirically. I hope y'all enjoy and, always, feel free to comment.
Hey folks,
Once again it's Dave, your buzz specialist.
I serve alcohol.
Alcohol is defined as any of a series of hydroxyl compounds, the simplest of which are derived from saturated hydrocarbons, having the general formula CnH2n+1OH, and include ethanol and methanol. The effects are well known to any human who has experienced:
Sorority/Fraternity life,
First date anxiety,
First date,
Procreation (successful enabling of)
Political Career,
Birth of child,
Graduation of child,
Imprisonment of child,
Loss of Job,
Loss of spouse,

Loss of pet...
I could go on for days with excuses for the modern person in our society to ingest this volatile colorless liquid. Just typing the above list made me want to take a stiff shot, but I digress from my point. I like to look on alcohol as life's little laxative. It helps you slide through this world just a little bit easier easing the pain of the before mentioned experiences.
But did you know that this little molecule disguised as a simple sugar to our human physiology has a far greater purpose and affect than our collective consciousness comprehends? There is a war being waged within our planetary society as a common foe is vanquished on a nightly basis all over our planet.
The first line of defense is not the mighty militaries of our superpower countries, or the technological prowess of the world's combined scientific community with their "all seeing" layer of spying
satellites pulled snugly around our planet's atmosphere. Nor is it, my fellow planetary inhabitants, a secret society of plasma cannon totting, brain erasing black clad suited men protecting us roaming our city and town streets in anonymity.
Do not fear though my brethren and sleep safe tonight for there is a force far more powerful than all of these entities combined. We tirelessly ward off the continuous onslaught of swarming off
planet-ors keeping our mother Earth firmly seeded with our humanity. No conquering alien force will ever take our world as long as there is breath enough in the last of our number to purvey our wares and fend these would be invaders off.
We are known by many names all over the world. Cantinero, barista, barmenis, baarimikko. With every nationality, race, creed, gender and color our task remains true despite our diverse ideologies
and political beliefs. To protect our world from alien domination...and to get fellow human beings plastered.
We are the proud,
We are the well versed in Mixology,
We are the world's bartenders.
Our secret weapon is one of disastrous and dastardly destructive power throughout our crowded corner of the universe. We protect the sanctity of our secret weapon hiding its clandestine
formula in devious mixtures with odd names like "Screwdrivers", "Royal Flushes" and "Harvey Wallbangers".
There are those amongst us that even tauntingly named offensive recipes "B52's", and "Sidewinder Missiles" endangering the anonymity of our well kept secret weapon. But fear not because we
have always managed to keep the molecular mix in the middle muted to the vigilant ears of our off world enemies.
For the tantalizing formula that numbs our brains and keeps our sanity barricaded against the tribulations of our mundane everyday stressful lives has a far more diverse effect on our freakish
foes. It renders them entirely brain dead sending them back to their home worlds with fractured minds and drooling babbling tongues. You may have even personally seen an alien life form bested by one of your planetary defenders before your very eyes without even knowing it....think about it.
In closing I would just add this one tidbit. Next time your brain has been professionally numbed by your preferred buzz specialist be sure to thank them personally with a bow or shake of the hand. TIP YOUR BARTENDER WELL for they are not just responsible for that peaceful warm and fun feeling you are leaving with within your belly. They are the reason man still rules this planet unhindered by alien invasion and domination!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Highlander the movie, released in 1986, was an epic achievement in motion picture history. Of course, this is just my opinion and I encourage debate if anyone cares to contribute to this thread. The movie made a huge impression on me and stirred my passion for SciFiction/Fantasy. I found the interweaving of flash backs very intriguing and utilized this plot device  in my first book (MoriaVaratu) patterned after this technique. It was a stroke of genius to "back fill" the history of the story's plot and made the story line brilliantly beautiful. What can I say, this movie had a major impact on my adolescent mind. It is one of those motion pictures that has stuck with me to this day.

An immortal Scottish swordsman must confront the last of his immortal opponent, a murderously brutal barbarian who lusts for the fabled "Prize". The casting was excellent, as was the acting. Sean Connery's contribution was superb, and his character was amiable and so heroic. Clancy Brown's performance as The Kurgan was terrifying, one of the best villians ever. Who can forget the scene in the church? "Forgive me Father but I am but a worm!" Awesomely evil.

Christopher Lambert was such a great hero. His journey was believable from being thrown out as an outcast by his Scottish clan, to the loss of his love to the coming of terms with his immortality. Add in a dash of comedic respite here and there and the haunting musical stylings of the rock band Queen and you have a compelling and unforgettable experience.

How romantically mysterious to have immortals born into a human society that has no concept of their existence. There is no wonder why this movie had a cult-like air around it.

Then came Highlander 2. What the hell happened there? It totally sucked. The story line completely destroyed the mystique of the first movie. Making the immortal aliens? What kind of morons did they have in the think tank for this movie. It was painful to watch them wreck something that was so intriguingly exquisite.

I just learned that Sean Connery was threatened into working on the project by the producers. It was pointed out that he signed on for the sequel within the initial contract and, when he refused to act in the second installment, he was threatened with a law suit that would have made him responsible for a cash sum of "projected revenue" this next movie would have supposedly made. They gave him little choice.

The Highlander franchise has endured, but I am sad to say, it will never compare to the original effort released in 1986. The destruction of the original concept is a travesty and has left me disillusioned with the production powers that be in Hollywood. Just a further example throughout recent history that tinsel town has lost their touch on the pulse of the American public.

What do you think?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Humble Advice

I apologize in advance this morning's post will be a bit self serving and much like propaganda for my own work.

Since I published my first book back in 2009 I have discovered a little known fact you won't find in any encyclopedia or census record book. More than half the population, at least the sampling I have come into contact with, have written a book. Yep, you heard me right. Also, out of these people, the majority swear they have a best seller on their hands. Of course, when you press further,  it comes to light most have yet to jot down the first word of their best seller.

Last book signing I had at Jamestown Coffee Co a young man approached after purchasing a copy of book two of the Morian Trilogy and told me he had a great idea for a story and asked me to give him some advice. At first I skeptically counted him in the populace of faux writers until he produced a tattered dog eared stack of smudgy papers from his satchel.

"It's a story," he said passionately while reverently placing the slightly yellowed stack on the table, "of a group of pre-teens that save the planet from alien invasion one summer's eve back in the early eighties."

Now, I'm not a best selling author and I would be the absolute first to deny being an expert, but I am always willing to relay my story of how I got my books published. Especially to one so dedicated to his inspired idea and as enthusiastic as the young man standing before me.

"What would you like to know?" I asked, but added humbly, "keep in mind, I was never an English major and grammatical and technical questions are off the table. If I did not have a good editor, which I had wish I had found him much earlier than I did, I would be completely screwed."

Luckily his query was something I felt confident with.

"In your first book of this trilogy (MORIAVARATU) I noticed you have a very dynamic writing style that is fast paced and dialogue driven. I found it so engaging I couldn't put the book down. How do you keep from having dull moments and maintain this throughout the whole novel?"

I found myself a bit embarrassed but was immediately proud I had had this impactful affect on a reader. From here on out I will paraphrase to make it less distracting for anyone who may find the following statements helpful in any way.

As I write I think of every page as a scene I am watching on a movie screen. In one interview on the radio I called it reverse engineering a movie, which, in hind sight, explains the writing technique I use superbly. A great exercise would be to take a scene from your favorite epic movie and convey it precisely in your own words. Then take that practice and apply it to your own story.

I also impressed upon the young upstart to goose the reader every page. Give your prospective audience something you think they would never expect. Give them something memorable to take with them in every chapter. In my work I try to make every chapter installment a cliff hanger of sorts, so the audience feels compelled to keep going.

Please keep in mind I have never penned a best seller, but, that being said, I hope this helps any aspiring authors out there. Also, if there are any professional writers who happen upon this thread, I would hope you would add anything that has helped you achieve your success.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Global Warming

So many people today are commenting on the weird weather and wanting to blame it on the indigenous species we are currently members of- the human race. One day last week I listened to one haughty gentleman, who was obviously fond of his elevated height upon the soap box, rant on for over half an hour on the subject before I could interject my simple question.

"You do know that we live in a solar system that orbits a variable star don't you?"

The man paused and tried to access his arsenal of global warming tidbits of data for a timely response. After flashing a wounded look his brow furrowed and he shot me a "does not compute" confused look. I pounced.

"Have you ever considered the fact that we're in a cycle of elevated solar activity at this time and there's a process much grander in the universe at play here?"

The confident smug air about the man dissipated faster than Nasa government funding as his jaw worked up and down. Nothing came out. I pressed on.

"Did you know that in the period between 1645-1715, known as the Maunder Minimum, there were the lowest temperatures ever recorded since man began taking readings? This period became known as the Little Ice Age. Do you know why it was so cold?"

"The sun?" the man choked on the answer indignantly, upset that many in his audience began to turn their attention toward yours truly.

"Very good," I answered and forged back into factual history. "Within this time period astronomers of the time observed little to no sunspots upon the surface of the sun, a direct harbinger to solar activity. Conversely, two years ago was one of the most active cycles ever recorded on our parent star and the global mean temperature was the highest ever recorded."

I returned my attention to the previous orator just in time to spy the back of his head as he fled the small crowd. Some within the gathered group actually applauded for they had obviously tired of the man's arrogant ramblings.

It then occurred to me it was the same self important arrogance that has held humanity back on many occasions throughout history. The biggest example being Galileo's attempts to convince the Catholic Church that the Earth was not the center of the universe. He was persecuted and put on trial for this belief in great public spectacle. Just another great example of man's misplaced arrogance (unless you believe our planet is still the center of the universe).

If we weren't so sanctimonious as a culture how many of today's problems would still exist? How much farther do you suppose science and the evolution of our culture would have progressed? Would we still have the issues of hunger and poverty we do today if it were not for our passionate arrogance throughout human history?  Would we be living in a utopia free of these of our modern day problems?

Just something to think about early on a Monday morning before being caught up into our everyday routine.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Haunted Places


Every town has one. They are rooted in culture and loosely tied to faint wisps of mysterious history. Over years of telling and retelling they become more extraordinary and outlandish, but deep down they romantically tantalize our belief that there is more to this life than just this physical plane we exist within.

They are haunted places.

These locations stir fear within one's soul and defy reality by playing tricks on the rational mind. I grew up in South Carolina, which has more than its fair share of ghostly places and haunting tales. What are some of the scariest tales you have heard about your hometown or state?

Pen to Paper

As you read these words consider the ink from which they are printed. If you printed this from your desktop the ink is most likely made up of carbon black, a heavy varnish and an agent which reduced drying time. If these words were jotted down by an ink pen the words you read would be made up of petroleum napthas, resins and coal-tar solvents. Words scribed by scholars at the dawn of the Enlightened Age would most likely have been made up of a combination of juices, indigo, pokeberries, cochineal and/or sepia.

Then consider the paper upon which the ink is printed on. It began its existence as wood chips that were broken down by steam and chemicals into cellulose fibers that were dried out, heated and then pressed into the surface from which you are reading right now.

For centuries this process has been refined and perfected with ever evolving skill. So, now you see the pinnacle of paper and ink technology before you. The culmination of centuries of sweat, hard work and craftsmanship finds you the reader at this moment ready to be inspired.

Romantic isn't it? Inspired? Of course not.

What you see upon the whiteness of pressed wood pulp is the embodiment of somebody's soul. The author's soul. The cellulose fibers and petroleum napthas release the adventure, joy and sorrow within the readers mind, painting a picture with far more colors than the black and white that exist on this page, only limited by the capacity of the author who initially contemplated the words.

This very moment, as you read, is but a snapshot of thought, feeling and imagination imprinted from this mind to yours. It is an intimate connection between the author and reader providing insight into the inner workings of another mind. That is what makes reading romantic and inspiring, the connection between isolated souls, a yearning to see life from another less jaded perspective.

A good author can take you to places you have never seen before through beautiful description allowing escape from the daily bondage of life's modern problems. A great author can push into your dreams and enhance their essence.

An author is one whose soul can speak out over the generations unhindered by the bounds of time and space to inspire one whose great grandfather was yet to be born. The superlative ones have already taken us to Mars, Jupiter and places beyond before our technology had even allowed us to reach the moon.

What advances in science and technology would exist if it were not first dreamt of by an author? Would the human race have even been inspired enough to dare leave the gravity of Mother Earth's bosom? Would there be objects made by our own hands screaming through space well beyond the bounds of our own solar system?

These endeavors were made possible because writers such as Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clark gave such ventures validity by showing us romance, adventure and inspiration beyond our own world.

Writing is the language of the human soul. It just turns out some of us are more fluent than others. Now, as I put down the vessel of resins and coal-tar solvents that is my pen, I must go dream for I have been inspired by one that was able to move my soul before wood chips were steamed and chemically altered into paper or even before my distant relatives were born.

Sleep will come easy tonight.

Tomorrow, another story will be written.

Good night.

Also appeared in the Lexington Anchor: http://www.lexingtonanchor.com/opinion/item/23-pen-to-paper

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Bane of Texting

You see it everywhere you go in this modern day society, whether in traffic or at your local
restaurant: people with their fingers and noses stuck in a phone. Many herald it as a benefit of the tech revolution. But I consider it to be a problem that is eroding our souls and sapping our humanity.
Is this comment too extreme? Consider this:
This younger generation is losing their handle on the language. A school teacher friend mentioned that more than half of her class used text vernacular in papers for their English final exam. These are high school age kids who are losing the ability to spell from repeated exercise in abbreviating and shortcuts. Those who grew up before cell phones know there are no shortcuts in life. What happens when it is time for these kids to fill out an application for employment or to apply for a home or car loan?
California State University at Fresno did a study at their college last year citing that 50% of their students were texting during class. As a result these individuals were not absorbing class material. Is this every day act causing the dumbing-down of our nation?
Without face to face contact people tend to comment without inhibition due to lack of physical ramifications of this impersonal medium. The result is a major breakdown of social skills among teens and young adults.  It is distracting giving the illusion of being socially at two places at one time.  In reality one is at neither.
The act of texting alone is habitual enough, add to it the task of driving and you have a dangerous combination. We have all seen the commercial where the texting driver turns her car into a deadly weapon. Driving is the most important part of our daily routine that demands our most focused attention. According to AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, distracted driving contributes to 8,000 car accidents a day in America.
It may seem like a trivial aspect of our everyday lives but it poses a menace despite its non-threatening I. The dumbing-down, traffic hazard or social outcast generator of our humanity, it definitely is one of the elements of this modern society that is eroding the greatness of our nation. Hyperbole? Maybe. But I think 8,000 car accidents a day speaks for itself.

Originally published in the Lexington Anchor: http://www.lexingtonanchor.com/index.php/opinion/item/34-bane-of-texting

Technological Evolution

There comes a revolution of knowledge. We see the evidence with each new technological invention's heightened capacity to store and send information. New technologies are on the horizon that will render all we know now obsolete.

Our current ability to send information via satellite by microwaves is about to be dwarfed by laser technology. This new innovation will allow us to send and process information one hundred times faster than we do today. Imagine the technological evolution our society will experience as a result within the next fifty years.

To the generation I grew up in we measured our computer's memory storage and processing capabilities in Kilobytes, then later in Megabytes. Today's generation measures in Gigabytes. Once Laser technology is implemented humanity will be transferring data in Terabytes and possibly Petabytes.

The technological revolution is here and the future holds exciting possibilities. The information highway is about to become more assessable than ever before, and the people who stay in step with technology will possess the power of unfathomable information retrievable in a matter of seconds.

How will those in power utilize this ability? For good, or for personal gain? We must be wary for there are several scenarios that could possibly play out in the near future, some wondrous, some not so.

Let us hope the powers that be decide to use new technological advances that are spawned from this revolution for the good of humanity as a whole, and not for the advancement under a banner of national pride or arrogance. If we are not vigilant we could see this current age of technology give birth to power hungry evilness bent on world domination.